Note from Pavel: Several weeks ago Lauren asked me, “How strong does a woman need to be to be considered ‘strong’?” I thought it was a question that should be answered by women (strong women, naturally). I asked Lauren to answer it on here, and then I asked a few more strong SF sisters for their answers. We will be publishing them—along with training advice for women ready to be strong—over the next several months.
“Wow, she must be really strong.” When I hear these words I can tell you that the ability to execute heavy presses or heavy front squats is not what first comes to my mind. What does come to my mind is a person, a female, who overcame a significant challenge. Someone who was forced to deal with a life-altering experience and pushed through it with strength that was found from within.
I have stood in the shoes of a shy little girl, an awkward teenager, a college student, a single woman, a wife, a career woman, and a mother. I remember clearly how it was/is to be in each element. Each one required a certain amount of strength to overcome the challenges and tribulations that were brought to the surface.
As for physical strength, there are women who are born with little and have to work ten times as hard to acquire the same levels as their naturally gifted counterparts. If this so-called “weak” woman decides to train very hard, after many years of perseverance, she can be nearly as strong as the naturally strong woman.
But how strong is strong enough? As a female, mother, wife, and coach, I’m here to tell you that strength is relative. The woman in the wheelchair who learned how to walk again, despite three doctors telling her she would be bound to that chair forever, is the very meaning of strength. The day you stop working to be strong, is the day you start getting weak.
The Standards of a Super Strong Woman
When defining what is considered to be a physically strong female, there are measurable standards I personally feel are necessary. Below is a list of specific measures of strength that makes a female super strong, in my opinion—at minimum, and going on a percentage of body weight:
Dead hang pull-ups — 3 or more
Push-ups — 8 or more
Barbell deadlift — 150% body weight
Single leg deadlift — 60% body weight
Single arm press — 30% body weight
Kettlebell swings — 60% body weight
Double kettlebell front squat — 60% body weight
Get-up — 30% body weight
Kettlebell snatch — 40% body weight
Note: I am providing a simple program to start you on your journey to achieve the standards listed above of what I consider to be a “super strong” woman. Feel free to follow the program below to be on your way to achieving these standards.
Remember, strength is not always about the final product and it’s not always about how much you can lift, but it is about where you started from and where you are now. Strength is a life-long journey.
Get Super Strong: A Woman’s Strength Training Program
Choose a challenging kettlebell size for your level, but follow these two rules:
You must be able to perform a perfect repetition with the size you choose.
Do not go to failure.
Practice Session 1
A. Get-Ups—2 reps each side Heavy Swings—10 reps
Rest and repeat for a total of 3 sets.
B. Goblet Squats—5 reps Pull-ups—1-5 reps
Rest and repeat for a total of 3 sets.
Practice Session 2
A. Barbell or Double Kettlebell Deadlifts—3-5 reps Military Press—3-5 reps each side
Rest and repeat for a total of 3 sets.
B. Kettlebell Snatch—descending ladder, 6 each side, 5, each side, until you get to one. No rest.
Practice Session 3
Go through each exercise and perform 1 rep. Once you have completed the five exercises listed, begin again by performing 2 reps, then 3 reps. Once you have completed 3 reps of each, start again by taking it down to 2 and then 1.
You will practice 9 total perfect reps per exercise throughout the entire practice. If you are advanced, you may go up to 4 reps. If you can go up to 5, you may not be going heavy enough.
Double Front Squat
Single-Leg Deadlift
Super Strong Training: Weeks 1-2
Monday: Practice Session 1
Tuesday: Active Recovery, i.e. Restorative Yoga or/and Joint Mobility
Wednesday: Practice Session 2
Thursday: Active Recovery, i.e. Restorative Yoga or/and Joint Mobility
Friday: Practice Session 3
Saturday: Active Recovery i.e. Restorative Yoga or/and Joint Mobility
Sunday: Walking, Hill Sprints, or Get-Up Practice
Super Strong Training: Weeks 3-4
Monday: Practice Session 1
Tuesday: Practice Session 2
Wednesday: Active Recovery, i.e. Joint Mobility
Thursday: Practice Session 3
Friday: Practice Session 1
Saturday: Active Recovery, i.e. Restorative Yoga or/and Joint Mobility
Sunday: Practice Session 2
Super Strong Training: Weeks 5-6
Monday: Mobility and Walking
Tuesday: Practice Session 3
Wednesday Practice Session 1
Thursday: Easy Swings followed by Mobility and Walking
Friday: Practice Session 2
Saturday: Practice Session 3
Sunday: Active Recovery, i.e. Restorative Yoga or/and Joint Mobility (or easy practice)
Follow this simple program for six weeks. Keep a journal and record your practice sessions. Most of all, listen to your body. I look forward to hearing about your journey from weak to super strong.